I have been engulfed in studying for an upcoming wine exam. So engulfed that at times I’ll look out and wonder…why am I doing this? And then I take a breath and go back to the realization that not following what I love and feel so compelled to learn about, would be a disservice to myself and the people I hope to touch and inspire with the outcome of all that I am learning. The truth is that the world of wine is vast and complex and goes far beyond the label on the bottle. Capturing the essence of our earth and putting it into a bottle is a lot of work and takes a great deal of knowledge, insight, and skill on the part of many passionate people. Sharing my knowledge of wine and the regions they come from is my goal. So, I’m going to get back to studying now. Oh!….the picture is of a landscape in Tuscany (my breathing space) and this evening I will open a bottle of Chianti and give a toast to wine :)