I am a wine writer whose main intent is to educate people about wine and the regions they come from in the hopes bringing people together and relationships closer at the meal table and beyond. In thinking about what I do and the tragic shootings in Connecticut I realize that what happened there is a collective tragedy and belongs to all of us. In the wake of a tragedy like this, we tend to want to blame what is physically in front of us, evidences of what we can see. It is what is unseen that is to blame. The blame is in our everyday thinking about our lives and our priorities. Responsibility for this needs to fall on each and every one of us. We as a people need to question not the right to bear arms, but why assault weapons, such as what was used in the killings of what would have been our future, was ok to purchase. For what reason does any person not on the combat line need an assault weapon that shoots 30 rounds per magazine? The thought about what is right and consequences for action and inaction legislatively and morally has fallen by the wayside. This tragedy has become my business, it’s become our business. No judgment here, just thoughts. Me and We as parents need to question what our children watch on television, what video games they play, who they play with, what influences them outside of the home, what it is that we as parents do to influence and shape who our children become. This tragedy is about who we will be from this moment forward. Will we be a people who pays attention? Paying attention to what we think, what we do that influences our children, what we do about the nations children crying out for help. Because not doing this affects all of us eventually. What’s become clearer for me, in what I need to do, is paying more attention to my contribution to this world, in thought and deed. Paying attention to positive traditions started and not yet started….paying attention to what I do and say each day, because I know words affect. Paying attention to the life I lead and the example I intend to set ……I hope you will all join me. Let’s wrap our arms around not just our families but wrap our arms around who we are and how we intend be in this world.