Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Treasure Trove of Cookbooks and Recipes

I so credit Nigella Lawson for introducing me to the pleasures of food and cooking many years ago. Her prose and ease in the kitchen made me feel I could cook anything, and for that my family and I are grateful. My antique cabinet is filled with a treasure trove of cookbooks and special recipes that my family and I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy. There is one seeming drawback, or so my husband thinks, I collect cookbooks. Sometimes I sneak them into the house and store them into my cabinet and pretend it's been there for years. I can't help it, I read them like novels. Not only do I collect cookbooks, but I have several of food magazines that come monthly, one less since Gourmet is no longer in existence. There is a good reason for all of is good. Food coupled with wine is even better. Food, just as in wine, can take you to another place. You can eat what the Italians eat or what the French from southern France eat. I even have a cookbook that celebrates the tastes of San Francisco. Think about it, a trip to San Francisco without the cost of can visit the world over with food 365 days a year. Visit I will continue to do. The very first Nigella Lawson recipe I made was her Aromatic Lamb Shank Stew. It was pretty ambitious of me at the time, but believe it or not this recipe paved the way for other ambitious endeavors in my life and allowed me to believe I could do anything. Try the recipe and pair it with a German Pinot Noir. After making this, you too will believe you can do anything.


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