Monday, February 8, 2010

The Wine World

The world of wine is vast and expansive. If we stop and think about wine and what it represents, we would get that wine and the culture associated with it is something we all can learn from and incorporate in our everyday lives. Italy and France are two examples of what a wine culture is all about; passionate vine growers and wine makers producing wines that go with the foods of their region. Rome, Tuscany, Sardinia....I could go on...all have foods and wines that are special to their region. They have tapped into what makes them special and what they are good at and share that with us through their wines. They have known for centuries that wine is good and healthy to drink, that wine with food and friends encourages tantalizing and thought provoking conversations, that wine is not just a drink, and that wine is an ever growing adventure to be taken daily. Drinking wines from different regions gives you an insight into those regions, not to mention a short vacation. Try this...pick a wine from Sicily, like a Nero d'Avola (Sicily by the way boasts a great Mediterranean diet). Invite a few friends over and make this recipe Rigatoni with Sausage Sauce. Ponder the meal and the wine with your friends, and guess what, you and your friends are in Sicily, taking in the culture. You know wine is a great way to travel, and you can take your family and friends along for little money, and yes, I have tasted every one of the wines associated with these wine could say I have traveled the world over! Learning something new everyday....

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