Sunday, March 28, 2010

Making Time

I love going to antique markets. I have this fantasy that one day I'll find a rare treasure that's worth lots of money...dreaming I know, but that's ok. Without dreams we don't move forward. This beautiful French inspired clock is my latest find. It will be housed in my kitchen, not necessarily to give me the actual time, but to remind me of how time is ticking. Time waits for nothing. If there is something you've been dying to it. If there's a soufflé you want to make...make it. If there's a hobby that you want to turn into a it. Time does not stop and every minute of life should be lived doing what you love. You know I've always wanted a private chef to cook for me. I got my wish. Last night I enjoyed a wonderful Italian meal, with friends, cooked by a private chef. We ate an assortment Italian fare that included great Italian wines. I stuffed myself with ricotta laddened lasagna, spaghetti with mushroom wine sauce, bruschetta with prosciutto goes on. The wine I clung to for the evening was San Giuseppe Estate Bottle Pinot Noir from Veneto, Italy. What a wonderful experience the chef was. Hey, I just had an epiphany. Life is about great experiences, and the only thing that should wait on time is a great vintage Bordeaux wine.

Wine:  San Giuseppe Estate Bottle Pinot Noir 2007 ~ Veneto

For a full review visit Vintage Cronicle

1 comment:

  1. Hey there I noticed your blog on LinkedIn, love it! I just started a wine/food blog on blogspot and I hope it will be thorough, given enough time. Anyway, I'm doing my WSET advanced this year, can't wait!
