Monday, December 28, 2009

My Daily Bread

As 2009 comes to close there is a lot to be thankful friendships, new business ventures, newly discovered wines and wine regions, great food, and lots of lessons learned. What I take with me into 2010 is everything from 2009, only magnified with a better perspective and clarity. Clarity, I've found, is all important when going through life. Just as in wine....there is no seeing clearly when there is haziness and cloudiness. The muck needs to be fined away so that a clear vision can be seen and achieved. So that's it for 2010....doing all that I do with more awareness so that true clarity can be achieved. 2010 is going to be great....for this I am thankful!

1 comment:

  1. AND let's not forget about the bread. Bread, wine and cheese, the holy triad, deserve our thanks and gratitude. What's life without bread? I've enjoyed learning how to make French baguettes at home and find this recipe bakes into a flavorful bread Give it a try and be patient.
